Project Profile
Botany Downs
Secondary College.
A visit to Botany Downs Secondary College in 2018 offering our products proved to be very beneficial for the school in the future. At the time, Principal Karen Brinsden was interested in our COLA structures, with a need for more covered court areas for a gym. The cost of a COLA Canopy is far less expensive than a gymnasium building.
The canopy project was included in their school property plan. Two years later, the need for further covered areas was strengthened when the leaky building crises occurred and they had to replace every roof at the school. With a COLA they would be able to rotate classrooms out into the canopy covered court areas while replacing the building roofs.
The project was tendered, and Shade Systems were selected to carry out the project, due to experience and a good relationship already with the school and a clear understanding of the required solution.
Installation of this COLA Canopy came at a time of huge disruption – New Zealand’s first Covid-19 lockdown and also a very wet winter. Our Operations team were able to overcome this though, and with strategic planning we were able to meet strict delivery deadlines to ensure the COLA was up prior to the roof replacement works.
Proudly this is Shade Systems biggest structure yet! There were complexities with the design. We had two court layouts to contend with, that were separated by a walk-through in between. It was important that the structure clear-spanned the walkway area with little post obstruction. Plus the two court layouts meant a different radius in the rafters and connecting these two structures.
With all the finishing touches, this COLA (Covered Outdoor Learning Area) has all the bells and whistles – lights, cameras, sound system and WIFI, plus a replacement TigerTurf surface. Quite an achievement by the team!
The shade system has absolutely delivered what we were looking for, from the community perspective and for our students here at school and for our health and PE program and cocurricular program plus any other entities that make enquires for what we’ve undertaken. I would absolutely recommend Shade Systems to other communities and schools.
Testimonial by,
Principal Karen Brinsden