Countdown Rototuna
Providing exceptional customer care through the use of car park canopies.

COMPLETED | August 2020 |
LOCATION | Hamilton |
FABRIC AREA | 145m2 |
FABRIC TYPE | Hiraoka 102T |
FINISHING | HD Galv with Enamel Finish |

‘Click and Collect’ Canopies
Shade Systems were first contacted by architects who had seen previous PVC tensile membrane structures we had completed for Air New Zealand Koru car park and New World New Plymouth car park. They liked what we had created and installed for these clients.
From these discussions with the architects, our design and engineering team drew up some designs tailored for the new build of Countdown Rototuna in Hamilton’s north. The concept was to create an all-weather canopy, wide enough for customers to temporary park for ‘click and collect’ grocery service.
The final structure design is a large, curved canopy, cantilevered from one side with a PVC membrane roof. This means the canopy will provide customers with weather protection year-round – shade in the summer months and shelter in the wet winter months.
This sturdy structure is a very smart, clean design which allows the easy integration of electrical services such as lighting systems, cameras and signage. Robust hot-dipped galvanised and painted framework allows an internal drainage system.
Since the construction of the Rototuna canopy, Shade Systems have provided more Countdowns with similar car park canopies including the installation. While they look similar, each structure is bespoke, meaning it is designed specifically to suit each site.
Countdown is certainly providing clients with ultimate customer experience!