Why is it we decide to take on our biggest COLA Canopy installation ever in the middle of Winter!!?
Currently, all Shade Systems installers are at Bucklands Beach Intermediate. They are constructing the three-part COLA (Covered Outdoor Learning Area) Canopy, which when it is complete will be a total of 2,145m². A Covered Outdoor Learning Area is an investment school can make in shade protected outdoor learning spaces. This gives children a safer setting for outdoor education.
We started the project at the beginning of the school holidays and are 2 weeks into it. So far even with the Auckland Winter weather, everything has been going pretty well (touch wood).
Shade Systems will provide complete project management of this construction, including drainage, new asphalt, fencing, lighting, just to name a few. Another 3 weeks and the COLA project should be fully complete. Here’s the progress so far…
Contact Shade Systems today for your shading solution.